Marple Leisure Hub all set for planning
Plans for the new Marple Leisure Hub are set to be submitted in March, taking in feedback from the nearly 800 responses that have been received on the scheme.
For too long Marple has been without an open Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre.
Now, funding has been delivered by Lisa Smart and the Liberal Democrat team for a new £20 million leisure hub. The project will deliver a new swimming pool, library, fitness studio, community spaces and new cycling and walking routes. The hub is a long-standing ambition of the local community since the former Marple Baths had to close five years ago.
Dates for the completion of the new building have not yet been set. Plans to demolish the previous pool have now commenced since agreement was reached on the funding. You can read more about the project here.
Timeline of the campaign for a new swimming pool for Marple:
A full professional engineering assessment was done on the old pool. This showed that the cost of repairs and works needed to bring the very old structure up to standard would be more than the cost of a new, modern pool.
Whilst in opposition at Stockport Council, Liberal Democrats pushed for progress on the pool repeatedly with Council leaders and officers. Councillors forced the item onto the Marple Area Committee Agenda, pushed the case at both the Economy and Regeneration and Corporate Resource Management and Governance Scrutiny Committees.
Councillors requested regular bi-monthly updates on the progress of the pool with Council Officers
Liberal Democrat Councillors endeavoured to ensure as many residents as possible took part in consultations about a new proposed pool, assisted with the consultations in person, and ensured that local community groups were involved with discussions.
Liberal Democrats took control of Stockport Council in May 2022 and were now able to push forward progress. Councillors worked closely with Council Officers to develop detailed Levelling Up bids and plan alternative funding options.
New Liberal Democrat Cabinet member for Economy and Regeneration requested weekly updates on the progress of the pool project
Lisa Smart ensures a query is raised the House of Lords challenging the Government about the progress on Marple Pool.
Second Levelling Up bid rejected by Government - January 2023. Liberal Democrat Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration ensured that Council Officers were speaking with Government about alternative funding options.
Lisa Smart writes to Secretary of State demanding funding for Marple pool.
Residents petition launched
New levelling up bid accepted by Government - March 2023.
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Plans for the new Marple Leisure Hub are set to be submitted in March, taking in feedback from the nearly 800 responses that have been received on the scheme.
Lib Dem campaign to secure funding for a pool for Marple successful.
Senior members of the House of Commons and Lords heard yesterday from parliamentary candidate Lisa Smart how much of a difference a new swimming pool and leisure centre would make to Marple, and the need for funding to make it a reality.
Lisa Smart and the Hazel Grove Constituency Lib Dems launch petition for a pool and Leisure Centre serving Marple and the surrounding communities.