Specialist status for Stepping Hill
Over 6,000 people signed the most popular petition that Hazel Grove's Liberal Democrats have ever run, underpinning the efforts to deliver specialist status for Stepping Hill hospital.
The status – which made Stepping Hill the fourth such hospital in Greater Manchester – means that the hospital can provide emergency medicine and specialist abdominal surgery under the region's Healthier Together proposals.
Lisa said: “I would like to thank every single one of the 6,000 and more local people who signed the petition. The support for Stepping Hill Hospital has been tremendous and the petition has certainly galvanised support from the local community.”
The status meant that the Hospital employs an extra consultants across A&E and general surgery, to provide at least 12 hours of cover a day in A&E seven days a week, which specialise in "emergency medicine and general surgery for patients with life threatening conditions."