MP challenges Government over spending settlement

Hazel Grove MP Lisa Smart has promised to challenge the Government on the local government spending levels which have forced the Council to consider charging for collection of garden waste.
Responding to the Council’s consultation on the issue, she expressed regret that continued cuts by the previous Conservative Government, together with expanding demand for social care and homelessness services, had backed the Council into a corner.
Lisa Smart MP said: “The extraordinary mismanagement under the previous government have left the council with difficult decisions to make in order to avoid cutting vital services to our most vulnerable residents.
“This should never have been the situation in which Stockport Council finds itself, and it is a crying shame that Stockport, like many other councils across the country, is now being forced to make decisions that ultimately diminish services for residents.”
Lisa has recently challenged the Government to reverse the previous government’s tax cuts for big banks and reform capital gains tax to address funding issues.
She continued: “As the Member of Parliament for Hazel Grove, I will continue to advocate for fair and sustainable funding for local councils at a national level; our communities deserve better.”